The conclusion of this article is, the growths of enterprise will absolutely convergence to modern enterprises mechanism, mainly Incorporated Company and Limited Liability Company. 本文提出的观点是:企业成长最终将收敛于现代公司制,主要是股份有限公司制和有限责任公司制。
Optimal Financing Policies of Incorporated Firm with Debt Liability and Transaction Costs 带有负债和交易费用的股份有限公司最佳融资策略
As maritime compulsory liability insurance is free for a limited field of insurance contract and therefore only appropriate to only involve public interest and public safety risks can be incorporated into the statutory liability insurance areas. 由于海上强制责任保险是对保险领域契约自由的一种限制,因此只能适度推行,只有涉及公共利益以及公众生命财产安全的风险较大的行业才能纳入法定责任保险范畴。
Under current Chinese law, a ship manager may be incorporated into the "ship operator" and be entitled to limit his liability accordingly. However, the scope of this definition should not be further extended to include a non-vessel operating common carrier. 在我国现行立法下,可以将船舶管理人纳入船舶经营人范畴而有权享受责任限制,但不宜扩大到无船承运人。